Decrediton Peer to Peer Payments - Send & Receive

The fundamental principle of crypto is the ability to send and receive payments without the need for any middle men. When you open and use Decrediton, you do so safe in the knowledge that you are controlling your funds and no one is sat in the middle extracting fees for arbitrary services.

Decrediton Peer to Peer Payments - Send & Receive
Decrediton Peer to Peer Payments - Send & Receive

The fundamental principle of crypto is the ability to send and receive payments without the need for any middle men. When you open and use Decrediton, you do so safe in the knowledge that you are controlling your funds and no one is sat in the middle extracting additional fees for arbitrary services. To make a transaction safe and secure, it goes through several stages.

In the first stage, the transaction gets entered into the mempool for sorting and verifying. In the second stage, the transaction gets miner and then awaits block approval. Next, the block gets approved, and your transaction receives its first block confirmation. Once a transaction reaches 5 confirmations, it becomes irreversible on the Decred blockchain due to the chain lock rule. In terms of what the user receiving the funds will see. Whilst in the mempool the transaction will be in a pending state and depending on the wallet they are using the transaction will become spendable after 1 or 2 block confirmations, for mobile wallets it’s normally 2 confirmations.

In the example, I’ll use Decrediton to send and receive transactions to the Trust mobile wallet.

Decrediton Send DCR

Decrediton Receive DCR

Decrediton Complete Transactions